Эта страница касается моих проектов, которые не игры, но всё ещё интересны.
Тотальный Редактор 3
Это 3D редактор тайловых карт, который следует за редактором Тотальный Редактор 2, включённым в игру Тотальное Вторжение II.
Он имеет интерфейс для расположения трёхмерных фигур в сетке, назначения на них текстур, и добавления сущностей с произвольными свойствами. Карта сохраняется в собственном формате, а также экспортируется в файл .gltf/.glb с информацией о сущностях и отдельными регионами геометрии.
В основе это приложение для моего употребления, но я включил инструкции и постарался сделать его удобным для пользователей. Будущие обновления будут выходить нечасто, пока люди не начнут использовать приложение всерьёз.
Редактор ещё не переводимый на русский.
Скачать версию 3.2 для Windows
The Cronikles is a cartoon series that I created some years ago, based off of characters that I had drawn since early childhood. Though it has effectively ceased to be made due to other priorities, I like to make references to it now and again in my creations.
I started animating using the software Anime Studio Pro (now called Moho 12), because I got an older version for cheap online. It's unique in that the software focuses on computer generated vector animation - instead of drawing every frame myself, I would define the shape of the drawing and then have the computer interpolate it from one keyframe to another. You could also define a "skeleton" for a character that would deform the drawing to match the skeleton's pose, much like in a 3D animation package. I relied heavily on this feature, and so the character animations were somewhat stiff and only faced one or two angles. However, this allowed me to make animations more quickly, which was important for a solo project, since I also did most of the music and voice acting by myself.
While my friends and family enjoyed the cartoons thoroughly, I eventually found that I was lacking in inspiration. I had a lot of ideas for where the series could go, but my desire to have a compelling story conflicted with my desire to make a primarily humorous series. A lot of the setting and character behavior was rather inconsistent across the episodes and it was hard for me to decide on. There is hope that The Cronikles will continue in the future, but it may be a very long time. Since I tend to prefer making games over animations, I might revive it as some kind of tactical RPG game...