Total Editor 3.2 Update
Updated 09.03.2025I made a significant update to my map editing software Total Editor 3 to support my development of Total Invasion 22, my upcoming remake of Total Invasion II.
This change makes breaking changes to the map format to add support for multiple textures per tile. Now each tile can have a primary texture, selected with left click, and a secondary texture, selected with right click. This removes the need for some of the weird, hacky solutions I had been making to make floors and ceilings look right in my project. I do not plan on making it support more than 2 textures, though, since I think doing so would require significant changes to the editor's workflow that would probably make it less convenient to use.
Any maps saved from version 3.1 will be automatically converted after being saved in 3.2. I also took the opportunity to reduce the size of the .te3 files by about 30-40% by using smaller data structures. Now these maps are starting to become even smaller than the ones I made for Total Invasion II!
Other changes include:
- Removed hacky shapes and textures meant to work around 1 texture per tile limitations.
- Updated example maps to not use removed assets.
- Missing shape model files are now replaced by question marks.
- Fixed bug with entities being misplaced after map size is expanded.
- Made currently open file show up in the window title.
- Status bar will show cursor grid coordinates when nothing else is showing.
- Tile cursor will stay in place while using the scroll wheel if the mouse is not moved. This helps with constructing vertical columns.
- Textures and shapes copied from other tiles will be highlighted properly in the texture/shape picker modes.
- Added setting for hiding certain file names from the texture / shape pickers using a regular expression.
- The editor will warn you about losing unsaved changes and converting map formats.
- Tweaks to enhance readability and visual organization of modals.
- Fixes to the .ti importer.
- Updated and corrected instructions.
A new tile shape was added in order to more easily create floors with diagonal patterns: